The presence of ants usually goes unnoticed unless they start to bite and invade your space. On your quest to find the best ant killer for yards like yours, you also have to consider their behavior and the food source that attracts them to your yard.
In A Hurry, Our Top Pick:
We all know that ants are highly addicted to sweets. Did you know that they are also interested in protein, oily food, and peanut butter? Due to weather changes and the need to find food and shelter, they might find your yard a good place to stay.
The problem is they can grow in numbers and become an annoying battalion of biting and bacteria-carrying pests.
In this post, you will learn about the natural and synthetic ways to kill or repel ants in your yard. We know how frustrating these ants are. We’ll share with you their common behaviors and weaknesses so you can win the battle between ants vs. man.
For now, let’s head on to the quick route – the ant killers.
10 Best Ant Killers For Yards And Lawns [Top Picks in 2022]
1. TERRO 3 lb Ant Killer Plus

TERRO is a well-known insect killer among homeowners. They have several products focused on controlling persistent infestations, like the TERRO Ant Killer Plus. It is a granular insecticide that kills:
- Ants
- Fire ants
- Cockroaches
- Fleas
- Crickets
- Earwigs
- Millipedes
- Mites
- Palmetto bugs
- Silverfish
- Sowbugs
- Water bugs
The manufacturer claims that this fertilizer can kill ants within 24 hours. It has a synthetic formulation that contains 0.04% lambda-cyhalothrin. Gardeners and homeowners can spread the granules on the house foundations, mounds in lawns, or directly on anthills.
Unlike other pesticides, you no longer need to transfer the granules in a sprayer or spreader. This ant killer has a resealable shaker bag that you can use to spread the granules on your property. Due to its potent formulation, it is only advisable to use it outdoors.
Controlling typical ants only takes about one to two teaspoons of TERRO granules to spread over and around anthills. However, controlling fire ants requires a more potent dose. Apply two cups of granules on fire anthills and water the mound with a gallon of water.
Most gardeners swear by the TERRO Ant killer because they saw how it kills ants on contact. Usually, the infestation can be dealt with in one application. However, there are ants in some locations that are immune to the granules, like carpenter ants.
Some people also notice its unpleasant smell. So, if you’ve got a sensitive nose, this might be the brand for you.
- Kill on contact
- Controls ants within 24 hours
- Help get rid of anthills in the lawn
- Effective in one application
- Easy to use
- Resealable shaker bag
- Ideal for both mild and heavy ant infestation
- Can kill other insects
- Strong smell
- Synthetic fertilizer
- Some ants in some locations are immune to the effect of the granules.
2. Spectracide Triazicide Insect Killer For Lawns

Spectracide Triazicide Insect Killer is another popular lawn insecticide for ants and about 100 other insects. It is a synthetic granular insecticide that contains 0.05% gamma-cyhalothrin. The manufacturer claims that it can kill the following ant species:
- Argentine ants
- Carpenter ants
- Southern ants
- Field ants
- Allegheny mound
- Cornfield ants
- Honey ants
- Pavement ants
- Red imported fire ants
- Odorous ants
- Pyramid ants
- Black turf ants
- White-footed ants
- Little black ants
- Ghost ants
- Thief ants
- Acrobat ants
- Citronella ants
- Big-headed ants
- Lawn ants
Though this insecticide can kill a lot of ant species, it can’t handle harvester and pharaoh ants. Other than those species, Spectracide can also kill other insects above and underground. These insects include:
- Crickets
- Armyworms
- Cutworms
- Grubs (Treat between early July to late October)
- Ticks
Most gardeners consider Spectracide the best ant killer for yards with recurrent ant infestations. They fill the mound with these granules and water generously for the insecticide to reach the ant tunnels underground. For heavy ant infestation, you must repeat the process of eliminating the tiny invaders of your lawn.
Though it’s an effective ant killer, this insecticide is also highly potent. The treated area must be dry before allowing your kids and pets near it. Some people also say it smells, but they don’t mind because it works for their ant problem.
- Ideal for recurring yard ant infestations
- Kill most types of ants
- Controls above and underground insects
- Easy to use
- Cover 12,500 sq. ft.
- Resealable packaging
- Strong smell
- Synthetic insecticide
3. Amdro Fire Ant Yard Treatment Bait

Some ant colonies are hard to handle since their nest runs deep in the soil. For heavy ant infestations, Amdro Fire Ant Yard Treatment Bait might do the trick for you. It is a type of insecticide that lures the ants into thinking it’s food and brings it back to their colony to kill the queen and other ants in their nests.
The main target of this ant bait is the fire ants, but it can also kill bigheaded and harvester ants.
Since this ant killer is meant to be spread to the whole colony before its poison takes action, you must expect a couple of days to two weeks to see the results. Once the queen and the colony die, new mounds will stop forming on the same spot.
The manufacturer claims that Amdro can kill a whole colony of fire ants in one application and manage visible and hidden fire ant mounds in your yard. A 5-pound bag can also cover up to 10,000 sq. feet.
The granules should be dry. So, make sure to use them when rain is not expected. Most homeowners added Amdro as part of their annual or pest control. However, ants in some locations are somehow smart and do not take the bait.
One trick shared by an avid fan of this ant bait is to wait for the soil to be warm enough to lure the smart ants into thinking that the granules are food.
- Kill the whole colony within two weeks
- Prevent future formation of anthills or mounds
- Targets surface and underground ant nests
- Kills fire, big-headed, and harvester ants
- Results show after a one-time application
- Season-long protection against fire ants
- Only works for fire ants
- Need a two-week waiting period to see the results
- Ants in some locations are not taking the bait
4. BioAdvanced Grub, Ant & Mosquito Killer for Lawns

If you want to save on gardening costs and control ants, Bayer provides a practical option. BioAdvanced Grub, Ant & Mosquito Killer contains the combination of 0.72% Imidacloprid and 0.36% B-Cyfluthrin for long-lasting lawn protection. It helps control:
- Annual Bluegrass Weevils
- Ants (except Pharaoh)
- Armyworms
- Billbugs
- Chiggers
- Chinch Bugs
- Crickets
- Deer Ticks
- Earwigs
- European Crane Fly Larvae
- Fire Ants
- Fleas
- Hyperodes Weevil (Bluegrass Weevil Larvae)
- Japanese Beetles
- Mole Crickets
- Pillbugs
- Sod Webworms
- Spiders
- Ticks
- White Grubs
This insecticide helps kill ants and insects within 24 hours and keeps your lawn pest-free for three months. A bottle can treat up to 6,667 square feet of yard. Gardeners consider this insecticide an effective solution for both heavy and mild ant infestations, including Florida and Colorado fire ants.
Though, some gardeners notice that some types of ants like carpenter ants, flying ants, and fire ants have some immunity to it. Due to its formula, it is not safe for use around kids and pets unless the treated area gets dry.
- 3-month residual effect
- Kill ants and insects within 24 hours
- Kill Colorado and Florida fire ants
- Kill other lawn pests
- Cover 6,667 sq. ft.
- Durable packaging
- Ideal for mild and heavy ant infestations
- Not safe for use around kids and pets
5. BioAdvanced Fire Ant Killer Dust

For a more fire ant-specific solution, Bayer created the BioAdvanced Fire Ant Killer Dust. It is a contact insecticide powder that contains 0.5% b-cyfluthrin. Dust works well for ants because it can cling to their tiny legs and spread to the whole colony.
The packaging works like a baby powder dispenser where you need to shake it to release the dust. It helps get rid of up to 130 ant mounds on your lawn. Unlike ant baits, it works on contact, so you’ll immediately see the results within three days and not wait for another week.
The insecticide effect of the dust does not immediately kill the ants, so they have the opportunity to spread it to the whole colony and the queen. The dust formula is not too smelly, unlike other ant solutions. Due to its possibility to blend with air, it is not suitable for use indoors.
The only problem that you may encounter with this ant killer is the risks of inhalation. Cyfluthrin is toxic to humans and, by any means, should not be inhaled or ingested. Most gardeners saw how this dust kills any insect on contact. The best thing it can do is kill carpenter ants which are very elusive and immune to other insecticides.
If you want to preserve the population of beneficial insects in your yard, this is not the ideal option for you. It creates a toxic environment for them, especially when the wind blows. Some gardeners even saw insects curl up after a few seconds of touching the dust.
- Cause insects to curl up upon contact
- Kill carpenter ants
- Kill the whole colony and queen within three days
- Maintains a toxic environment to ants who try to come back into your yard
- Durable packaging
- Easy to use
- Low-odor dust
- Highly toxic that can threaten the ecosystem of beneficial insects in yards
- Highly toxic to humans and pets when inhaled or ingested
6. Scotts Turf Builder Southern Triple Action

Save up on fertilizer, weed killer, and ant killer by having them in one product. Scotts Turf Builder Southern Triple Action. It is a 3-in-1 lawn solution that controls ants and kills persistent weeds while feeding your lawn.
This lawn solution contains 1.352% Atrazine and 0.139% Bifenthrin. It controls fire ants for up to 6 months, including other insects, such as:
- Armyworms
- Fleas
- Mole crickets
- Chinch bugs
- Sod webworms
- Ticks
Since this solution has a weed killer content, it is only applicable to certain grass varieties such as St. Augustinegrass, centipedegrass, zoysiagrass, and carpetgrass. It can help kill pesky weeds such as:
- Dollarweed
- Dandelion
- Clover
- Oxalis
- Plantain
- Chickweed
- Henbit
A 26-pound bag can treat up to 8,000 sq. ft. Once applied on the lawn, gardeners notice that it begins to clear out mounds within 2 to 3 hours. Since it is a multi-purpose lawn solution, gardeners can save a lot of money and get the ant solution that they’re looking for.
- 3-in-1 lawn solution: Weedkiller, ant killer, and fertilizer
- Cost-efficient solution
- Kill all kinds of ants
- Provides an ant-free lawn for up to 6 months
- Easy to use
- Kill other common pests in the garden
- Treat up to 8,000 sq. ft.
- It may not work for some types of grass.
- Synthetic fertilizer
- May kill other beneficial insects in your yard
7. EcoSMART Insect Killer Granules 10 lbs.

Homeowners who have little kids and pets around may find solace in having EcoSMART Insect Killer Granules to get rid of ants in their yard. It is an organic ant-killer that contains plant oils like 2% clove oil and 0.60% thyme oil. Other ingredients include:
- Starch
- Sawdust
- Granite
- Wintergreen Oil
This pesticide has no chemicals, making it safe for use around kids and pets. Its formula does not leave any harmful residue in the air and the soil. It can kill bugs and most likely repel them because of its scent. Ants that hate this pesticide include:
- Carpenter ants
- Red harvester ants
- Pavement ants
- Odorous ants
- Pyramid ants
- Argentine ants
Gardeners notice that despite this insecticide being organic, it can kill ant mounds in their yard. However, for heavy and stubborn ant infestation, solution re-application may be required.
Lastly, aside from ants, the granules can also control the following insects:
- Armyworms
- Billbugs
- Bristletails
- Centipedes
- Chiggers
- Chinch bugs
- Crickets
- Cutworms
- Fleas
- Earwigs
- Firebats
- Grasshoppers
- Ground beetles
- Leafhoppers
- Mealybugs
- Millipedes
- Pillbugs
- Scorpions
- Spiders
- Springtails
- Ticks
- Wireworms
Some gardeners are happy that it’s organic, but they notice that the ants come back to their yard during the growing season. So, in that case, this might not be the best option if you are experiencing a recurring heavy infestation of ants, especially fire ants and carpenter ants.
- Organic ant killer
- Easy to use
- Safe for use around kids and pets
- Ideal for mild ant infestations
- Kill other common lawn pests
- No harmful residue
- Tolerable smell
- Not ideal for tough ant species and heavy ant infestations
8. Garden Safe Diatomaceous Earth Insect Killer

Diatomaceous Earth (DE) is a gardener-favorite for natural pest control in vegetable gardens. It is also effective in controlling ant colonies in lawns. The dust clings to the body of ants and spreads it to the whole colony, which kills them overnight.
Aside from ants, DE can also kill the following insects:
- Cockroaches
- Silverfish
- Beetles
Garden Safe DE comes with a hand duster to spread it around and over ant mounds. Gardeners usually use it to control ants around beehives and anthills after a good rain shower. They also notice that it can deal with the notorious fire ants.
DE is safe to use around kids and pets as long as they don’t inhale it. It can also stay in the ground and prevent the ants from coming back. When the dust gets absorbed in the soil, the ants go back. In such cases, this is only ideal for mild ant infestations.
- Easy to use
- Natural ant killer
- Kills fire ants
- With hand duster
- Kills insects within 24 hours
- Ideal for mild ant infestations
- Safe to use around kids and pets
- Some ants go back, and some are immune to it.
9. Mighty Mint Gallon Pest Control Peppermint Oil

For those homeowners who do not intend to kill the ants but want them to move somewhere else, peppermint oil can do the job for you. Ants hate the smell of peppermint oil and help repel them without killing them.
Might Mint is among the few producers of pesticides based on natural oils. Their pest control solution doesn’t contain any chemicals. A gallon of Might Mint Peppermint Pest Control contains:
- Peppermint oil
- Glycerin
- Polyglycerol oleate
- Soap
Since it is an organic ant-killer, you can use it indoors and outdoors. The smell also serves as an air freshener indoors. It is among the safest options to use around kids and pets. It can only repel ants, so you may see them lurking around untreated areas. With that, it is not ideal for heavy ant infestations.
- Organic ant killer
- Ready to use peppermint oil solution
- Safe for use around kids and pets
- Ideal for gardeners who want to repel but not kill ants
- Smells good
- Can be used indoors and outdoors
- Do not kill ants, only repels them
- Not ideal for heavy ant infestations
10. Ortho Home Defense Insect Killer

Ortho Home Defense Insect Killer is probably one of the best solutions for the tough war against ants. Its formula is a combination of 0.05% bifenthrin and 0.0125% zeta cypermethrin. It is not only known to control spiders but also starts a raging war against ant colonies and other insects like:
- Cockroaches
- Spiders
- Fleas
- Ticks
- Millipedes
- Scorpions
- Beetles
- Silverfish
- Centipedes
The formulation of this insecticide is odor-free and has a residual effect that lasts for up to 12 months. It can control the following types of ants:
- Carpenter ants
- Foraging fire ants
- Lawn ants
- Argentine ants
- Pavement ants
- Pharaoh ants
- Pyramid ants
- Red/western harvester ants
The packaging comes with a wand to help spread the solution on hard-to-reach areas and keep you away from angry fire ants around the mound. It is the best ant-killer if you’ve lost all your patience with the ants in your yard. It is unforgiving as it kills instantly and prevents them from coming back for a year.
- Ideal ant killer for severe ant infestations
- Kill stubborn ants like pharaoh and carpenter ants
- Easy to use
- Durable packaging with a sprayer wand
- No pumping needed
- Kill other crawling insects like spiders and fleas
- No odor
- No stain
- Potent synthetic insecticide
Natural and DIY Ant Killers To Try Without Toxic Chemicals
If you are not a fan of killing insects and still have a ton of patience, you may use some natural ways to repel or kill them in a more humane way possible. We classified these methods into three based on their function.
The following methods are suitable for mild to moderate ant infestation:
Ant Repellants
Some plants contain scents and chemicals that ants hate. They help repel ants around without killing them. Check out how to use them below:
Peppermint Essential Oil Solution

Peppermint plants alone can’t repel ants. They hate the scent of peppermint because it has the same scent as common ant predators.
Many homeowners and gardeners believe that mint plants can deter ants. However, they love staying in mint plants because they benefit from the sap collected by other pests like aphids.
To repel ants in your yard, spray a mixture of water and 20 drops of peppermint oil in areas where they are frequently crawling around. It may not kill them for good but will give you and their whole colony a boundary. Plus, your yard will also smell like peppermint, which is relaxing at the same time.
Cayenne Pepper
Cayenne pepper contains capsaicin that deters ants. It is a perfect option for getting rid of anthills and making the whole colony of ants run for their lives or die out of hunger.
You can use cayenne powder and sprinkle it at the entrance of the anthill or make a solution out of it. Here’s how:
- Four whole cayenne peppers
- A pot of boiling water
- Place the cayenne peppers in a container with a lid.
- Pour in the boiling water and let the solution sit overnight.
- Pour the cayenne pepper tea on anthills and see how ants run for their lives.
Baby Powder or Talcum Powder

Most ant keepers use baby powder to contain the ants in their nests. Baby powder can get rid of the ant trails in your yard. At the same time, the skin of ants absorbs the baby powder, clogs up their airways, and lets them die of suffocation.
Sprinkle the baby powder around the anthill or directly on the anthill and let the ants carry the powder inside their nest.
Food-Grade Diatomaceous Earth

Food-Grade Diatomaceous Earth is made of crushed fossilized skeletons of algae and underwater minerals. It can infiltrate the skin of ants and let them die from dehydration. It is among the efficient non-toxic ant and insect repellents that organic farmers use. One of the best brands to try is HARRIS Diatomaceous Earth Food Grade.
Cucumber Peel

Cucumber peels contain trans-2-nonenal that ants hate. They will naturally run away from your yard once their strong sense of smell detects cucumber peels around. In some cases, the ants also die because of the effect of cucumber peels.
If you’ve been consuming a lot of cucumbers for your meals, don’t throw away the peels. Place them around the anthills in your yard. When the cucumber peels dry up, they become compost for your grass, so it’s a win-win situation.

Ants do not like the smell of cinnamon. Though some say it is a good ant killer, it only repels and encourages them to move elsewhere. You may sprinkle it around an anthill and let them starve until they die.
Some homeowners sprinkle it around the perimeter of their home to prevent the ants from entering the house. For yards, you may single out the anthills until you manage the colonies one by one.
Ant Killer
Some natural materials can also control ant colonies and keep them from coming back ever again. Here are some homemade cocktails and natural ant poison if the ants in your yard are already driving you crazy:
Dish soap solution with a citrus scent

Dish soap is a common DIY insecticide used by homeowners to control other insects like aphids. The soap helps dehydrate insects by seeping into their skin.
For ants, you must opt for citrus-scented dish soap to prevent the ants from coming back. Here’s how to make the solution
- Fill half of a spray bottle with water. If you’re dealing with an anthill, fill half of the bucket with water.
- Put 3 to 4 drops of dish soap in the spray bottle. For the bucket, you may add at least 10 to 15 drops of dish soap. Mix well.
- Spray the dish soap solution on the entryway of ants or their trail. For an anthill, pour a small amount of the solution around the anthill to trap them inside. Then, pour the remaining solution on top of the anthill.
Vinegar + Dish soap solution

For a more potent but eco-friendly solution for ant infestations, you may combine vinegar and dish soap. The citric acid in the vinegar helps mask or cover the ant trails, and the dish soap solution can dehydrate and eventually kill them. Here’s how:
- Combine 3 to 4 cups of vinegar (depending on the size of the anthill) and 3 to 5 drops of dish soap.
- Mix the solution and pour it on the anthill. Based on best practices, apply a barrier around the anthill first to prevent the ants from relocating. Once done, pour in the vinegar-dish soap solution on the mound or anthill.
Borax + Sugar solution

One smart way to deal with ants is to let them carry poison in their nests. By mixing sugar and borax, you attract them with sweets while luring them into eating the borax. Borax is safe for use around kids and pets, but it is toxic to ants.
Though there are ready-to-use borax solutions in the market, they use too much borax that kills the ants instantly. With this solution, you’ll only add a small amount so they can still go back to their nest and spread the poison on their own. That’ll be less work for you and add value to the materials you used.
Here’s how you can make the solution:
- Two tablespoons of borax
- A pot of boiling water
- 500 grams sugar
- A pot of water
- Saucers or bottles with cap (there should be a hole in the cap)
- In a bucket, dissolve the sugar using boiling water. Mix it well until the solution becomes clear.
- Add the borax and mix well. Wash your hands immediately if the borax powder touches your skin.
- Add another pot of lukewarm water.
- Place the solution in bottles or saucers where they can access the borax solution. Bottles are ideal for this project if it often rains in your area.
Ant Trail Remover
It is hard to see the trail of ants in your yard. However, once they made their way into your house, that’s another story.
To break the ant trail and keep them from coming to your house, here are some natural methods you can try:
The smell of the vinegar helps mask the smell of the ant trail and disrupts their lines. You may apply it on the surfaces around your house or property. Either way, it can help them move to another location, but it won’t kill them for good.

Lemon is among the most popular ant deterrent. The citric acid in citrus fruits like lemon helps erase the ant trails of ants and prevent them from going back to their colony. When ants are alone wandering around, they can die on their own.
According to a study, isolated ants die after six days while a group of ants lasts longer. You may pour a generous amount of lemon-water solution on an anthill to help control them.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
What is the best homemade ant killer?
The borax and sugar solution is among the most effective natural ant-killers. It is easy to use and not toxic to use around kids and pets. Borax is also multi-purpose and can be used for cleaning and other gardening and house chores.
How do you get rid of ants indoors?
Before you look for ant killer concoctions, you must make sure that your house is clean of any food debris and leftovers. Ants enter our homes because they are attracted to the smell of food. So, keep everything sealed and maintain the cleanliness around the house first.
If the ants are persistent and natural ant killers are no longer working, you should start looking for the best ant killer for your situation. TERRO 3 lb Ant Killer is among the best ones so far, along with the other options in this post.
What smells do ants hate?
Ants hate the smell of peppermint, cinnamon, vinegar, and lemon. They’re not a fan of any citrus scent as well. They hate these scents, they don’t die because of it. However, a chemical from cucumber peels can both repel and kill ants.
How do I get rid of ants overnight?
Though it’s impossible to kill all ants in your house property overnight, there are some ways to speed up the process. Use the combination of natural ant-repellents like vinegar and borax-sugar solutions and synthetic options. You may place predatory insects and animals to help you eliminate them.
Final Thoughts
We hope that this post opens your doors to the best ant killer for yards and lawns. Ants are small, but they are diligent and persistent when it comes to their food supply and shelter. They play an essential role in our environment, but they can be destructive at times.
Let us know in the comments which ant killer or natural ant killer worked best for you. Also, please don’t forget to share this post with your friends so they won’t pull all of their hair out of frustration because of ants.