Can You Paint Patio Blocks? (Pros & Cons)

Patio blocks are a great way to spruce up your outdoor space. These blocks make it easy to turn your patio into one that looks stylish and can combat the elements.

They are placed like tiles onto the space where you want a patio to lay making it the easy and cheaper option for having a patio.

But what if you don’t like how your patio blocks look? Paint seems like the easy option, but will pain hold to this material?

Are Patio Blocks Paintable?

You can paint patio blocks. This allows you to change up how your patio blocks look, make them brighter, or fix up their look after being worn down. However, painting patio blocks isn’t the cure-all to the problem that you are having. 

How do You Paint Patio Blocks?

Don’t take acrylic paint out to your patio blocks, that won’t work at all. When facing a different kind of material than you are used to, you need to make sure that the paint you have will work for that surface.

To paint patio blocks, you will need to use acrylic cement paint or concrete paint. These kinds of paints will stick to the rocky material that your patio blocks are made out of and are less likely to wash away in the rain. 

Start your painting process by making sure that the weather is clear. You will want clear and dry weather several times in a row.

You can’t paint in the rain and if it rains too soon after, all your hard work will wash away. 

You will also want to wash off all dirt and debris from your patio before you start painting.

Use a hose or even a soap and water mix and wash down your patio blocks. Once they are clean, allow the water to dry so you can have a clean and dry canvas. 

When you have a patch of weather that is suitable for painting, use a paint roller or a paint sprayer to apply a layer of paint onto the blocks.

Using a paint roller
Using a paint roller – Courtesy of Upcycle TV

If you need to add another layer, wait until the first has dried and repeat until you get your desired look. 

Allow the paint to dry for a final time and add two layers of concrete paint sealant to make sure that the paint doesn’t budge.

The sealer will likely take 2 days to cure so make sure that it won’t rain during this time and avoid walking over your patio during this time. 

concrete paint sealant
Courtesy of

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How Long Will This Paint Last?

If you prepped your patio properly and made sure to apply two coats of sealant, this paint job should last you a long time.

It should last you a few years before you start to see any wear and tear to your patio blocks. 

If you didn’t do all the important steps, this paint will wear down a lot faster. It is harder to determine how long the paint will last at this point. 

The Pros of Using Paint on your Patio Blocks

One of the great pros to patio blocks is that you can always pull a block up and replace it when it gets worn down.

However, the process can still be annoying or you feel that the block hasn’t been worn down to the point of needing to be replaced. 

Using paint is a great way to refresh your patio blocks without having to replace them or move them around. It’s easier, takes less physical effort, and can be a lot cheaper than buying new patio blocks. 

Paint gives homeowners the ability to make their patio blocks look fresh and new once again.

It also allows homeowners to change the color of these patio blocks if they aren’t satisfied with how they look.

The Cons to Painting Your Patio Blocks

While painting your patio blocks might seem like the best answer to all your patio block troubles, there are still quite a few cons that come with this artistic piece. 

First of all, you might not even need to clean your patio blocks. These blocks, if properly taken care of, are supposed to last decades before wearing down to the point of needing to be painted or replaced. Most of the time, these blocks just need to be cleaned. 

Dirt and grime can get tightly packed on the surface of your patio blocks, creating a film that makes these blocks look old and sad.

Using a pressure washer is a suggested way to break up this layer of grime to give these patio blocks a proper cleaning. You might find that your blocks weren’t worn down, they were just dirty. 

When you do paint your patio blocks, you have to realize that the paint sits on top of the blocks instead of going into the stone’s pores as a stain would. While sealant protects this layer of paint from getting damaged, it’s not a cure-all situation.

Over time, you might see the paint on these blocks peeling. When you have peeling paint on your patio, not only does it not look great, but it is also unpleasant to walk on.

 blocks peeling
Courtesy of Reddit

Sometimes, peeling paint can be sharp! You don’t want to be walking outside without shoes with peeling paint around. 

Also, when you use paint, it’s hard to get a natural stone color for your blocks. This is fine if you want a bright and fun patio, but it’s not easy to get the natural stony look that many people love to have.

Is it Worth it to Paint My Patio Blocks?

This question is up to the homeowner. Painting your patio blocks works great if you follow all the necessary steps and just want to quickly refresh your patio. However, it isn’t always a long-term solution. 

If you are thinking about painting your patio blocks because you want a fresh look, it doesn’t hurt to try using a pressure washer first. Sometimes, a deep clean is all that you and your patio need.

Frequently Asked Questions

What Kind of Paint do You Use on Patio Pavers?

When painting on your patio blocks, or patio pavers, you should be using concrete or cement paint.

Using the right type of paint allows the paint to properly stick to the material which gives you a better-quality look overall. 

You can buy cement or concrete paint at any home improvement store and it’s usually not super expensive. It comes in many colors from bright and fun colors to neutral and natural tones.

Does Paving Paint Last?

When you paint your patio blocks, there are several steps that you must follow that ensure that you will have a quality look on your patio.

If you prime your patio, apply the proper amount of paint, and apply the proper amount of sealant, this paint should last a long time.

A paving paint job should last you and your patio several years before you see wear and tear occur.

However, if you don’t follow all the necessary steps, you will find your paint starting to peel and wear down a lot faster, sometimes as soon as a few months.

The paint on your patio blocks will last as long as the effort you gave them.

How Can I Change the Color of my Pavers?

When you want a new look on your pavers, you have a few options.

The most obvious option is to use paint and give your pavers a completely new color. But this isn’t your only option.

You can buy stains that will change the color of your pavers. It can darken a light paver or change the hue of the stone, but you won’t find it giving you a bright blue look if that’s what you are looking for.

Stains are great if you want to change the color of your pavers but you still want to keep the natural stone look.

Can You Spray Paint Pavers?

There are two main application tools that you can use to paint your pavers. One of these is a paint roller which can be good for getting an even coat, and the other tool is a paint sprayer.

Yes, you can spray paint your pavers to give them a whole new look. 

Spray painting pavers is a super easy way to quickly get a lot of paint down, but it can also be very messy.

Make sure you have everything that you don’t want paint on far away from your pavers while you are spray painting.

Final Thoughts

Painting your patio blocks works well to change up your patio area. Whether you want to completely change your outdoor sitting area’s look or want to refresh your patio blocks, painting is an easy way to do so. 

If you have painted your patio blocks before or decide to do it now, tell us how your paint holds up in the comments.

What color did you paint your patio and how did it turn out? If you have more tips about painting your patio, share those as well!

Featured Image credits: Marianne/Pixabays

About Justin Stewart

With a deep knowledge of plants, landscaping, and sustainable gardening practices, his engaging content offers practical tips, creative ideas to help you transform your backyards into thriving green havens. Get ready to unlock your backyard's full potential!

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